Chinese Alligator Tunnels

Chinese Alligators
Pretend to be a Chinese alligator by creating a network of tunnels by using household materials, then explore your tunnel system!


Celebrating and Saving Wildlife and Wild Places:

The Detroit Zoological Society is part of many Species Survival Plan (SSP) programs with the Association of Zoos & Aquariums. SSP programs coordinate the management and conservation of species in zoos and aquariums, ensuring the sustainability of a healthy, genetically diverse and demographically varied populations. These animals, and their descendants, can be used to re-establish populations, like the Chinese alligators, who are currently critically endangered.


 Take Action:

The Detroit Zoological Society’s A.D.O.P.T.S. program provides an opportunity for you to support endangered species around the world and our mission of Celebrating and Saving Wildlife! Your symbolic animal adoption will support the conservation of animals at the Detroit Zoo as well as endangered species around the world.


Download: Skill Sheet- Chinese Alligator Tunnels